Kokum Sarbat / Kokum Sherbet (1ltr)




Kokum Sarbat / Kokum Sherbet

Kokum sarbat is not only delicious but it has several health benefits as well.
It is made from Kokum or Garcinia Indica, a fruit which is famous for its medicinal properties.
This sarbat not only quenches your thirst, but also helps to prevent dehydration and sunstroke due to heat.
Researchers at the Institute of Science and the BARC in Mumbai have shown that Kokum’s antioxidant properties are stronger than those of many other spices, fruits and vegetables.

Ingredients: Kokum Juice, Sugar, Salt, Cardamom, Cumin, Citric Acid.
Contains permitted class II preservatives.

Shelf Life: 12 Months.

Preparation: Add syrup in water in 1:6 ratio i.e. One part of syrup and six parts of water.
E.g. To prepare seven glasses of sarbat, take 6 glass of water in a vessel and add one glass of Kokum Syrup to it.

Tip: Add a pinch of salt or as per your requirement for better taste.